Over the last year Mothers' Union has organised several competitions at All-Ireland level to engage and keep connected with members. This page is dedicated to all of the competitions to date.
Photographic Competition
Please go to the Gallery Page to see slideshows of all of the
photographs submitted for this competition
Winners & Highly Commended in
The Christmas Card Competition
Mascot & Logo Competition for Mums in May
Below are the results of the Mascot and Logo Competition for Mums in May 2021. Our thanks to Irene Boyd for organising judges for this competition and our congratulations to all of the winners and highly commended. The winners and highly commended are featured below and there is a slide show of all of the entries submitted at All-Ireland level.
Mascot Competition Winner
Margaret Reilly
Derryloran MU ~ Armagh Diocese
Mascot Competition ~ Highly Commended
Dorothy Langley
Cashel MU ~ Cashel, Ferns, Ossory
Mascot Competition ~ Highly Commended
Joan Blake
Ballycanew, Leskinfere, Monamolin MU ~ Cashel, Ferns, Ossory
Logo Competition Winner
Valerie Cathcart
Christ Church MU ~ Connor Diocese
Logo Comnpetition ~ Highly Commended
Sylvia Allen-Hamilton
Raphoe MU ~ Derry & Raphoe
Logo Competition Highly Commended ~
Alison McCoy
Kilmocomogue MU ~ Cork, Cloyne & Ross
Rear View of the Winning Mascot
Enjoy the slideshow of all of the
Mascots & Logos
Mums in May 2021
that were submitted for judging at
All-Ireland level
Result of Hymn Competition:
Yvonne Woods (Milltown Mothers’ Union) ~ Armagh Diocese
Hymn: “Come unto me”
Tune: Martyrdom [ICH, Hymn 607 “As pants the hart for cooling streams”]
Highly Commended:
Joan Robinson (Dungiven and Boveagh Mothers’ Union) ~ Derry & Raphoe Diocese
Hymn: “Have you troubles, strife and sorrow”
Tune: St Nicholas (Redhead No. 143) [ICH, Hymn 584 “Jesus calls us! O’er the tumult”]
Margaret Rowlandson (Templemore Mothers’ Union) ~ Derry & Raphoe Diocese
Hymn: “Counting my blessings”
Tune: Bunessan [ICH, Hymn 58 “Morning has broken”]
Dean Tom Gordon (Leighlin Mothers’ Union) ~ Cashel, Ferns & Ossory Diocese
Hymn: “God who is Father of infinite goodness”
Tune: Faithfulness [ICH Hymn 80 “Great is thy faithfulness”]
Violet Lockhart (Ballisodare Union Mothers’ Union) ~ Tuam, Killala & Achonry Diocese
Hymn: “O Lord our God, we thank you now”
Tune: Amazing Grace [ICH Hymn 642 “Amazing grace (how sweet the sound!)”]
Result of Prayer Competition:
Phyllis Grothier (Tullow Mothers’ Union) ~ Cashel, Ferns & Ossory Diocese
Highly Commended:
Joyce Buttimer (Clonakilty Mothers’ Union) ~ Cork, Cloyne & Ross Diocese
Sylvia Wheatley (Newbridge Mothers’ Union) ~ Meath & Kildare Diocese
Gill Mc Cullough (Aghadowey Mothers’ Union) ~ Derry & Raphoe Diocese
Linda Hughes (Christ Church, Culmore, Muff and St Peter’s Mothers’ Union) ~ Derry & Raphoe Diocese
"Come unto me" ~ The Winning Hymn
Yvonne Woods (Milltown Mothers’ Union) ~ Armagh Diocese
Come unto me, I am the door
Our faithful Lord did say
We can go in, and pastures find –
He is the only way.
I am the way, the truth, the life
God calls us, let us hear –
So we might know of his great love;
To trust and not to fear.
His Peace is like a calming stream –
And faithfulness is sure,
His grace and love and mercy great;
As long as life endures
From darkness into glorious light
Whoever follows him,
His life he gave that we might live;
To rescue us from sin.
So let us now, all with one voice –
Sing praises to our King,
The hills and valleys shout for joy;
Our thanks to God we bring.
Tune: Martyrdom [ICH, Hymn 607 “As pants the hart for cooling streams”]
The Winning Prayer
Phyllis Grothier (Tullow Branch ~ CFO)
Loving Lord, I bring my prayer to you through faith in your love and mercy.
Father forgive and help me to do better: for the times when I cause hurt either through my words or actions; when I do not recognise you in the face of my neighbour, when I see another human being as different or of less value. Teach me to show love and mercy.
Father forgive and help me to do better: for the times when I see need and do not respond, hear hurtful words and do not call them out, am deaf to the cries of the hungry, hurt and abused. Teach me to show love and mercy.
Father forgive and help me to do better; for the times when I treat your creation as a personal possession rather than a fragile resource to be nurtured and valued . Teach me to show love and mercy.
Teach me to remember always that, while faith, hope and love abide, the greatest of these is love. Inspire me with the confidence to live this truth in my daily life both in word and action, knowing that all I am or can be is based on the strong foundation of God’s saving love. In Jesus’ name I pray.
A report by Canon Robert Deane
All entries were very interesting, reflecting a very high standard of commitment to the task, a great breath of variety and ideas, with many from a personal perspective.
It really was very difficult to pick a winner in each category, and those highly commended were not too far behind at all.
But to each one who took the time to enter the competition may I say thank you, and I commend you for your passion and industry.
And thank you to Margaret Jacob for coordinating the competition so seemingly easily.
Robert Deane
Our thanks to our All-Ireland Chaplain, Canon Robert Deane, for agreeing to judge this competition.
Tune: St. Nicholas (Redhead No. 143)
Have you troubles, strife and sorrow
As you journey on this road?
Take it all to Christ our Saviour
Give to him your heavy load.
Just remember what He taught us
How to live a life in Him.
Faith and hope held high before us
Love to cover every sin.
Aim to let His work sustain you
Read it, let it be your guide.
Steadfast in our daily seeking
Lean on Him and there abide.
When life’s journey’s nearly over
Rest in Him, your peace renew.
Just remember His great promise
I’ve prepared a place for you.
Spread the word in jubilation
Tell the work of God’s great love.
Join together, one in spirit
Praise and thanks to God above
Tune of "Morning has Broken"
Counting my blessings
With every new day
Lifts up my spirits
Come what may
When dark clouds gather
Hiding the sunlight
Counting my blessings
Makes the world bright
Counting my blessings
Beauty surrounds me
Grace heals my spirit
So profoundly
Life so abundant
All hope renewing
God’s love protects us
Under his wing
Sharing my blessings
Such is the bounty
Goodness and beauty
All around me.
Sharing with strangers
Or those I love best
Sharing my blessings
I am twice blessed
Tune: Great is Thy Faithfulness
God who is Father of infinite goodness,
God who is Mother and called us to birth,
God, who in Christ, broke the chains that had bound
Freed us for kindness, for joy and for
God of all tenderness. God of all tendernessGrace overflowing which reaches to all.Bread for our hunger, rich wine at your banquet,Each has a place who responds to your
God who is Spirit, expectant before
Raise from our brokenness beauty and
From the dry bones of our sin and
Mould us in gentleness born from above. Refrain.
Break through the times when we limit your
Rise like the sun beaming measureless
Help us with joy to proclaim love’s
All now are welcome in Jesus’ embrace. Refrain.
Tune : Amazing Grace
O Lord our God we thank you now,
For all that you have done.
For seasons as they come and go,
They show us your great love.
As Spring comes in and days stretch out,
New life in all we see.
The birds sing sweetly in the trees,
And wake us from our dreams.
And nature all unfolds.
As carers of your world help us,
Be steadfast here below.
Our crops all gathered in.
Reminds us what our aim should be,
To help out those in need.
Your rainbow in the sky.
Tells us of your great promise Lord,
Your power and love divine.
Highly Commended Prayers:
O loving Lord, you walked this earth and showed us the way to be, to live and to love.
We have your Holy Spirit now to guide us, help us to accept that guidance
that we may come at last to our eternal home in Jesus name. Amen.
Dear Lord,
We thank you for Supporting us during these challenging times. It hasn’t been easy but you are always there walking beside us.
We thank you for your Assistance in helping the Scientists and Manufacturers in making the Vaccine;
the frontline workers for their dedication and love when looking after everyone who is ill at this time.
When we needed a friend you were always there helping us through the periods of Isolation, giving us hope and Optimism when we felt lonely and discouraged.
We thank you for your Unfailing love at all times;
that through the death and Resurrection of your beloved son,
Jesus Christ, we can look forward to eternal life with you.
Father you are our SAVIOUR and friend. Amen.
Sylvia Wheatley
Dear Lord
We give you all our thanks and praise
For all you provide during our earthly days
For health and home, family and friends
From life’s beginning to its end.
Nurturing the young in truth and reason
A home of love and discipline
Respect for others with Christ as king.
Your faithfulness and promise in summer days
Guidance received in study and play
Building relationships to share with others
From student cares to becoming mothers.
Your direction as the autumn paths we tread
Your comfort and peace in the days ahead
A heart of prayer and a soul content
Memories and reflections of days well spent.
The winter years of our earthly existence
Days filled with gratitude and patience
As we ponder on a life near done
And anticipate the heavenly crown thus won.
You placed us all in our own small sphere
To help, encourage and support those near
To God Eternal, Father, Saviour, Friend
In all our lives your service spend.
AmenGill Mc Cullough
Lord, as we come to the end of another day, we bring before you all the things that have happened today……that may cause a restless sleep.
We pray for ourselves……calm the confusion and disruptions that may have held us back and made us forget to make time for you.
We pray for family and friends that may be worried or anxious, may they feel your presence with them bringing calm and order into all their fear or distress……and bring peace to troubled minds.
We pray for all who are suffering from illness, from loneliness or are lost in grief and sorrow……be with them during long nights and endless days and may they know your healing and your comfort in their lives.
Lord, we leave our prayers with you and in faith know that you will answer our prayers and trusting in the love you have for us, answer them in a way that will be best for ourselves and those we pray for.
Linda Hughes