Projects/Campaigns - All-Ireland Mothers' Union

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Mothers' Union Projects and Campaigns~ in Ireland and Overseas

Mothers' Union supports many projects and campaigns both at home in Ireland and Overseas.
Read about many of the projects below and click on the pictures to access more information, patterns etc.
Knitting and Sewing Projects

Some of the projects include hats, matinee jackets and Ollie the Octopus for premature babies, trauma teddies, hats and scarves for the homeless, prayer squares, fiddle blankets for the elderly/infirm etc. Click on image to access patterns.
Click on the image above for a prayer for the square
Click on the image below for safety guidelines on knitted trauma teddies:

(Away from it All)  

This project provides short breaks/holidays or day trips for those who otherwise could not afford it and is available in most Dioceses throughout Ireland.

Those who have benefited from this project have greatly appreciated having a break "Away from it all"

Contact your Mothers’ Union Diocesan President or Secretary for further details and for an application form.

16 Days of Activism Against
Gender Based Violence

Vigils, services and/or prayer breakfasts are organised during November in every Diocese to raise awareness of gender-based violence and the search for gender justice. Further details available on our "16 Days..." page.

Toiletries, gifts, toys etc are collected for distribution to local Refuges and this help and support is greatly appreciated by the refuges. It is hoped that collections for the local refuges can, in the future, be made at other times during the year as their needs are ongoing.

Thursdays in Black

The campaign is simple but profound. Wear black on Thursdays. Wear a pin to declare you are part of the global movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence. Show your respect for women who are resilient in the face of injustice and violence. Encourage others to join you.

Often black has been used with negative racial connotations. In this campaign Black is used as a colour of resistance and resilience.

Prison Visits and
The Read Together Project

As part of this project books are distributed to children and also the parent in prison.
This gives them something to talk about during prison visits.

Baby Changing and Feeding Facilities at Shows

This facility is greatly appreciated by parents and guardians of babies/toddlers as it gives them a safe clean environment in which to change and feed their baby/toddler. Read about Mothers' Union at the Ploughing by clicking on the picture below.

Literacy and Financial Education

The programme uses participatory methods to enable communities to acquire basic literacy and numeracy skills while discussing and planning action on their daily issues and challenges.

Worldwide Parenting Programmes

The Worldwide Parenting Programmes facilitate groups to discuss different topics and share parenting experiences and best practice.

Savings and Credit Groups

The overall aim for countries using this programme is to break down the barriers and challenges faced by women when dealing with money and finances. It aims to raise their social and economic status, resulting in them having more of a say in their households, and helping to create women entrepreneurs.

Church and Community Mobilisation

CCM is a transformational, community-based process which uses facilitator-led Bible studies to work with church groups encouraging them to kick-start economic, social and physical transformation within their communities.

Mothers’ Union is uniquely positioned in that we can equip our members to facilitate lasting change within their church and communities.


MULOA stands for “Mothers’ Union Listening, Observing, Acting” and is  the name we are using to explore the essence of what it is to be  Mothers’ Union.

As a member-led global organisation we are actively listening to the  voices of our members to create a vision for the future that is grounded  in their views and their experiences within their communities.

This  will help us create our strategy beyond 2020

Mothers’ Union and United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

Global Advocacy to Raise the Status of Women and Eliminate Discrimination: Mothers’ Union and UNCSW

Click on the image above to bring you to the UNCSW website

Click HERE to read a report from 2024
Helplines for people experiencing domestic violence:

Northern Ireland:

PSNI – 999 or 101
Domestic and Sexual Abuse (DSA) helpline 0808 8021414 - free and confidential.
Women's Aid - 028 9024 9041 visit
Men’s Advisory Project (MAP) - 028 9024 1929 visit
Web chat available at or email
Thursday 16th April  

Following an upsurge in reported incidents of domestic violence Governments in Ireland have teamed up with frontline services to provide excellent awareness and information campaigns to assure victims that STAY AT HOME DOES NOT MEAN SUFFER AT HOME.                                                                                      
Frontline services are STILL HERE.
Still here - domestic abuse TV awareness ad

Helplines for people experiencing domestic violence:

Republic of Ireland:

An Garda Síochána - 999 or 112
Women's Aid - 1800 341 900
Men's Aid Ireland - 01 554 3811
Male Domestic Abuse Advice Line - 1800 816 588
Rape Crisis Centre National Helpline - 1800 77 8888
Legal Aid Board Helpline - 1890 615 200 or 01 646 9600
Directory of local services -

A Woman’s Psalm
O God, I am a woman in a violent world let me know your peace.
Let blind rage born of despair not find its target in me.
Let the value of my life not be reduced to the jewellery I wear.
Let my family life not end that life in a gang may begin.
Let rape not violate my body nor anger ravage my soul.
Let fear not enter my heart but caution sharpen my mind.
Let the light of Christ so shine in me that I may reflect your love.
Let the joy that the apostles knew infuse my spirit and alleviate my pain.
Let Love who suffered and died on the cross find resurrection and new life in the world you love.
God, I am a woman in a violent world - let me know your peace.

Elizabeth Kaeton, (from Lifting Women’s Voices: Canterbury Press; 2009)

I  am an individual jam jar you can spread me on your toast
Upon a scone  I’m truly delicious
Once my jam is finished, my life it is so short
Could I be recycled?...

Now my inside is all a jingle
My heart is  full of joy
Those ladies from the MU have given me a task
To help raise  lots of money!

Why not "Reuse and Recycle" your small jam jars for Overseas!
Blessing of hands

The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty…
to bless all the work of your hands.
Deuteronomy 28:12
Blessed are you, Lord. You hold us in your hands.
Bless our hands, that we might hold others
as dearly as you hold them.

Blessed be the hands that touch young lives and guide the young.
Blessed be the hands that embrace others with compassion.

Blessed be the hands that administer healing.
Blessed be the hands that carry out chores.

Blessed be the hands that grow stiff with age.
Blessed be the hands that capture memories in creative ways.

Blessed be the hands that greet strangers.
Blessed be the hands that learn the way of justice.
Bless our hands, Lord,
for they are the work of your hands.
(From the Lutheran Deaconess Association)

Prayer is at the heart of everything we do in the Mothers' Union.  Members in Ireland are linked with members around the world through the Wave of Prayer and from time to time visits are exchanged.

Within Ireland members enjoy fellowship through the development of North/South links between Dioceses and individual Branches.

Mothers' Union ~ Wave of Prayer
July 2024

Click on the image above to access the midday prayers July 2024

Wave of Prayer for Mothers’ Union
Lord, we pray for Mothers’ Union worldwide.

29-1 July: Eastern Zambia in Zambia; Mombasa in Kenya; Gwagwalada & Ekiti-West in Nigeria;  Leicester in England and Temotu in Solomon  Islands

2-4 July: Renk in South Sudan; Cyangugu in  Rwanda; Arochukwu/Ohafia & Ile- Oluji in  Nigeria; St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane in  Scotland and Sittwe in Myanmar

6-8 July: Wad Medani in Sudan; Kondoa in  Tanzania; Ikwo & Remo in Nigeria; Montreal in  Canada and the Windward Islands in St Lucia,  Grenada, St Vincent & The Grenadines

9-11 July: El Obeid in Sudan; Butere in Kenya;  Nnewi in Nigeria; London in England and the  Province of the USA

13-15 July: Toliara in Madagascar; Mbale in  Uganda; Zaria & Ndokwa in Nigeria; Rochester in England and Chhattisgarh in India

16-18 July: Lake Malawi in Malawi; Byumba in  Rwanda; Jalingo in Nigeria; St Edmundsbury &  Ipswich in England and Lucknow in India

20-22 July: Gitega in Burundi; Murag’a South and Mbeere in Kenya; Enugu North in Nigeria;  Tonga in Diocese of Polynesia and Jaffna in  Diocese of Church of South India

23-25 July: George in South Africa; Bungoma in  Kenya; Western Tanganyika in Tanzania; Ideato in Nigeria; Sodor & Man in Isle of Man and  Toronto in Canada

27-29 July: Northern Zambia in Zambia;  Mpwapwa in Tanzania; Gusau & Osun in  Nigeria; Sydney in Australia and Rayalaseema in  India

30-31 July: Boga in DR Congo; Manicaland in  Zimbabwe; Tanga in Tanzania; Ogoni in Nigeria;  Carlisle in England and Melbourne in Australia

Prayer of the Month
As we share our lives together,
we pray to reflect the perfect relationship
between Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
perfectly  loving, perfectly equal, united in total harmony.
For then we will see true transformation
as we  value each other above ourselves. Amen

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