Mothers' Union Publications
Mothers' Union produces several magazines and leaflets with information about the work of Mothers' Union. Some of these are available to download. (Just click on the pictures for either links or to download).
MUe Shop

Click on the image to bring you to the MUeshop
You will find a selection of books, cards and gift ideas etc. at
Some of the items may also be available from your Diocesan MUe Representative
Curry in a Hurry
"Curry in a Hurry" is a cookbook produced by Mothers' Union and distributed to students. It is a cookbook designed especially for young people living away from home for the first time and is packed with simple, nutritious recipes.
Copies are available from your MUe Representative.

"Dear Lord..."
The "Dear Lord.." Prayer Book is a brand new Mothers’ Union prayer book!
A collection of 100+ prayers and reflections contributed by our members across the world.
It includes many contributions from members across Ireland.
"Dear Lord.." is available from your MUe Representative

The Pocket Prayer Book Collection
Mothers’ Union "United In Fellowship Pocket Prayer Booklet" is a joyful collection of Mothers’ Union Prayers.
Mothers’ Union across the world united together in prayer. The place of prayer is central, not separate, to our work.
Available from your MUe Representative

In over 80 countries of the world, more than 4 million Mothers’ Union members do all they can – through volunteering, giving and prayer – to support families, to promote marriage and family life, and to reach out within their communities to people who are isolated, in trouble or in need of help. We are a grassroots focused charity with a global impact, with a desire to eradicate the inequalities brought about by poverty, ignorance of rights and lack of opportunities.
Shopping with the Mothers’ Union online shop can change lives. 100% of profit goes towards the charity’s work with families across the world. Every penny raised can help make a difference and bring lasting change.
We also have a range of Ethical gifts. Each gift has the power to make a difference. Furthermore, all proceeds go towards the valuable work of Mothers’ Union. Click on the heading to bring you to the web page.
Many of the items are also available from your MUe Representative.
Hand in Hand

Hand in Hand: Enjoying faith as a family
This resource is intended both for those parents who already have a strong faith and desire to nurture this in their children, and for those who feel less certain.
Central Services,
The Mothers’ Union
24 Tufton Street
T: 0207 222 5533
The Booklet comprises a number of section which:
- Connect us with a God who is love and who loves us daily.
- Offers practical ways in which t share family spirituality.
- Help us enjoy finding faith in our families.
- Celebrate the wonder of life in good times and bad.
- Help us to find out more about the Bible together.
- Enable us to develop our personal and family faith.
As well as being a stand alone resource (it could be a good Baptismal present) it would also work well with a parents’ group who want to explore how they experience faith in their family. The booklet, which costs just £2, is available from:
Central Services,
The Mothers’ Union
24 Tufton Street
T: 0207 222 5533
Raising Funds for Mums in May
Moira Thom, a former All-Ireland Unit Coordinator for Fundraising & Communication, recently published a collection of reflections, many of which featured in the column she previously wrote for the Church of Ireland Gazette.
The AI Trustees appreciate that Moira has committed to giving a donation from each book sold to the Mums in May Fund. The book is entitled 'In Perspective' and is available from Amazon or from Moira herself.