About Us - All-Ireland Mothers' Union

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About Us

Mothers' Union

Our vision is of a world where God's love is shown through loving, respectful, and flourishing relationships.

  • To  promote and support married life
  • To encourage parents in their role to develop the faith of their children
  • To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service
  • To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children
  • To help those whose family life has met with  adversity

  • We believe in the value of each individual and their unique qualities  
  • We believe in the value of relationships. Jesus said, "Love the Lord  your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love  your neighbour as yourself."
  • We believe in the value of the family in its many forms as a source of love and support for individuals and the basis for a caring community

To demonstrate the Christian faith in action by the transformation of communities worldwide through the nurture of the family in its many forms.

Mothers' Union is firmly rooted in a voluntary ethos. Its governance, leadership, and programmes are driven by and undertaken through members around the world as they respond to God's call to faith and action.


As a Member or Friend of Mothers' Union you can:

Strengthen communities all over the world
Help the most disadvantaged at home
Shape how we advocate for the rights of families
Build supportive, loving relationships
Develop your own relationship with God

Worldwide reach
Globally, Mothers’ Union focuses its efforts on:
          • Creating a peaceful and safe environment for all,
          • Fighting for gender justice, and
          • Building individuals’ self-reliance.
Mary Sumner ~ History of Mothers' Union

Mothers’ Union was founded by Mary Sumner. She  wanted to create an organisation for women that brought together rich  and poor to build a network that would support mothers of all kinds as  they brought up their children in Christian faith.

Mary Sumner was a woman of deep faith, with a heart for prayer and a  determination to make a difference in the lives of others. She listened  to God and acted upon his call. Contrary to what is often assumed, she  was an older woman, a Grandmother, when she took the first steps which  eventually led to the establishment of Mothers’ Union. She was not a  natural speaker, but quiet and diffident. However, her faith and resolve  to follow God’s call to make a difference to families and society, laid  the foundations for today’s worldwide movement.
Mothers' Union Video

Click on the picture below to watch a film about
Mothers' Union in Ireland


Click on the image below to access
a video telling all about MULOA

Marriage and Family Life

Promote Christian marriage; Marriage preparation: Encourage parents and  carers through Mothers' Union Parenting Groups: Running Parent and  Toddler Groups; Volunteering in Child Contact Centres: Helping children  and families feel welcome in Church.

Practical care in tough times

Caring for families in need; Working in partnership to support victims of domestic abuse, refugees, asylum, seekers and the homeless, etc;
Offering holidays to needy families; Befriending families of those in Prison.

Activities Worldwide

Training Mothers' Union Workers in their local communities; Promoting  Parenting and Literacy and Development; Initiating Family Life  Programmes; Supporting Mothers’ Union Overseas and Relief Funds.

Click on the Image above to read the Annual Review 2023
The Trustee Board of Mothers' Union

The Trustee Board of All-Ireland Mothers' Union is made up of the All-Ireland President, the four Vice-Presidents, the twelve Diocesan Presidents,  
the four Unit Coordinators and the All-Ireland Honorary Treasurer
All-Ireland President:   June Butler (Down & Dromore)
Vice-Presidents:           Sophia Dillon (Armagh)
                                     (with resposibility for Finance & Central Services)
                                      Patsy Devoy (Cork, Cloyne & Ross)
                                     (with responsibility for Faith & Policy)
                                      Hazel Speares(Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh)
                                     (with responsibility for Action & Outreach)
                                     Moira Thom (Connor)
                                    (with responsibility for Fundraising & Communication)
Unit Coordinators:        Kaye Nesbitt ~ Finance & Central Services
                                     (Derry & Raphoe)
                                    Clare Stewart ~ Action & Outreach
                                        (Down & Dromore)
                                     Kay Clarke ~ Faith & Policy
                                     (Derry & Raphoe))
                                     Margaret Jacob ~ Fundraising &  
                                         Communication (Cashel, Ferns & Ossory)
The Diocesan Presidents:
  • Armagh
  • Cashel, Ferns & Ossory
  • Clogher
  • Connor
  • Cork, Cloyne & Ross
  • Derry & Raphoe
  • Down & Dromore
  • Dublin & Glendalough
  • Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh
  • Limerick & Killaloe
  • Meath & Kildare
  • Tuam, Killala & Achonry

The Honorary Treasurer

  • Debbie Davidson
  • Lesley Bayley
  • Heather Ellis
  • Sally Cotter
  • Hilary Dring
  • Jacqui Armstrong
  • Mavis Thompson
  • Ada Lawson
  • Ann  Howard
  • Lucy Kavanagh
  • Sylvia Wheatley
  • Myrtle Nairn

Revd. Canon Ken Rue (Dublin & Glendalough)
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