All-Ireland News
Cork Getaway Weekend – 2024
In early November members and friends of Mothers’ Union gathered in the Garryvoe Hotel in East Cork for a most enjoyable weekend. Feedback has been excellent and, without a doubt, the weekend seems to have been well worth all the effort and planning, and was well appreciated by all who attended. We had a wealth of knowledge from all our speakers. Canon Alan Marley (UCC Chaplain) encouraged us to Grow and Flourish (our Conference Theme), linking it to his own personal journey of faith. Canon Alan’s own relaxed and often humorous style went down very well with the members, as did his long experience of working, living, and sharing with the Taizé Community in France. We loved listening to some Taizé chants during our Eucharist on the Sunday morning.
Iris Suitor made the long journey down south to be with us, and we were so glad she did! She began by sharing a bit of her life and faith journey, then leading on to her role as a Zonal Trustee for Mothers’ Union. Unfortunately, Covid had sorely curtailed the ability for the Worldwide Zonal Trustees to meet in person, so Zoom was the only way. Iris also told us about some of the many Overseas projects that Mothers’ Union is involved in. Iris is a natural storyteller, which coupled with her wonderful dry wit, kept members fully engaged and laughing!
Mary St Leger talked to us about her work with OSS (One Stop Shop) Cork. OSS deals with people affected by domestic abuse and gender-based violence, giving them much needed information and support. It is the only domestic abuse service in Cork that supports both men and women. Mary has long experience with them which showed in her presentation which was both sobering and, in some ways, encouraging.
Afternoon workshops on Fit for the Future, Flowers on a Budget, and Crafting kept some of our number active and engaged, while others took the opportunity to get some much-needed rest and relaxation (or a walk on the beach). Members also got the chance to purchase their cards and Christmas cards from our MU Enterprise stall! We were very well looked after by the amazing staff at the Garryvoe Hotel to which we are extremely grateful!
On Sunday morning the Rev Eileen Cremin led us sensitively and beautifully in a Eucharist Service for Remembrance Day. We were delighted to have poppies for the occasion and to have a good amount to pass on to the Royal British Legion/Poppy Ireland fund.
Huge thanks go to Veronica Deane and the Garryvoe Planning Group for all their hard work and attention in putting this weekend together; we were truly encouraged by the feedback we received. If your interest has been piqued by what you have read and would like to join us next year, keep an eye out for the ‘Save the Date’, we usually start advertising early in the summer. Tell your friends too. All are welcome to join us; both in and beyond Cork, Cloyne and Ross!!

Visit of Beverley Jullien
We were delighted to welcome Beverley Jullien, CEO of Mothers' Union to Kilternan Parish Centre on Saturday 2nd November. It was a lovely opportunity for those present to meet Bev and for some of the Trustees to give a report on what is happening in Mothers' Union here in Ireland.
Bev told us all about the plans for the future in Mothers' Union and how in the coming years there is going to be a great deal of focus on the Literacy Programmes. The Literacy Programme empowers those who take part really improving their lives.
A lovely service of Holy Communion was held in the adjoining church led by the curate of Kilternan Parish, Revd. Caroline.
CFO Autumn Council
Cashel, Ferns & Ossory Mothers' Union held their Autumn Council in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Carlow on Saturday 26th October. As well as officers giving reports about all that is happening in All Ireland, Britain and the different Units it was a lovely social occasion. Everyone enjoyed meeting up in person and having a chat over morning coffee and lunch.
Lesley Bayley has now completed six years as Diocesan President and a presentation was made to her by the Diocesan Chaplain, Revd. Ger James, at the end of the meeting. Lesley stated that it had been her privilege to hold the position of Diocesan president fro the last six years during what had been a very busy six years with zoom meetings and face to face meetings both at Diocesan level and All Ireland and Britain level.
All Ireland Council
Saturday 19th October
The All Ireland Council was held in Christ Church Cathedral today. The day began with a Holy Communion service followed by the dedication of the new Mothers' Union chapel, the Lady Chapel, by the Archbishop of Dublin, The Most Reverend Michael Jackson.
We were delighted to welcome Ish Lennox, Faith and Church Relations Manager from MSH to the meeting who gave a very thought provoking address to the meeting in which she spoke about "Faith".
- Friendship with God
- Accountability
- Integrity
- Thinking before we press the send button
- Humour
Presentations were made to June Butler as she finishes her term as Provincial President of All Ireland, Iris Suitor, the outgoing Zonal Trustee, and Kay Clarke, the incoming Provincial President.
A presentation was also made to Jacqui Armstrong who has completed ten years leading the Mothers' Union campaign against Gender Based Violence.
The results of the recent elections for All Ireland Unit Coordinators was announced.
- Fundraising & Communication ~ Revd. Canon Jennifer McWhirter
- Action & Outreach ~ Mrs Margaret Jacob
- Faith & Policy ~ Mrs Clare Stewart
- Finance & Central Services ~ Mrs Brigid Barrett

Getaway Weekend 2024
11th - 12th October
The Armagh City Hotel
Our MU Getaway this year was on the 11th and 12th of October in Armagh City Hotel. The event was organised by the All Ireland Reps Liz Greer and Wendy Halligan, under the watchful eye of All Ireland President, June Butler and VP Action and Outreach, Hazel Speares. Our bookings this year totalled 162 attending either part or all of the Getaway. It was great seeing new faces and welcoming back the regulars. Our guest speaker was Ruth Garvey-Williams from Buncrana in Co Donegal. Ruth has been working for the last 34 years in both the UK, Ireland and across Europe. Ruth has two grown-up daughters, one of whom is getting married on the 19th of October but Ruth had committed to being with us before the wedding plans were confirmed! Our theme for the Getaway was “Gloriously Ordinary”. Ruth reminded us on Friday evening that this was our time to reflect and our precious time away. Ruth is only too well aware of all that the Mothers’ Union in Ireland do and the fantastic awareness of the 16 days of activism against violence as well as all the work we do in our own communities and overseas.
The Getaway got off to such a marvellous start on Friday evening with a visit to the Palace Demesne, Armagh. Some of us walked or drove to the Palace which is surrounded by beautiful grounds and the autumn colours were amazing to admire. We were greeted by the Lord Mayor, Sarah Duffy and were served delicious canapes and refreshments. After dinner back at the hotel, our All Ireland Chaplain, Archdeacon Stephen McBride led our Mini Big Sing accompanied by Claire Smyth who is a brilliant musician. The hymn which topped our poll was “How Great Thou Art”. Thanks to our All Ireland Chaplain for introducing and bringing his own thoughts to each hymn. Friday evening closed with a short epilogue led by the Most Reverend Bishop John McDowell.
The next morning after breakfast, June Butler, All Ireland President welcomed everyone to the Getaway. We had a further 82 folk join our overnighters. Registration was busy, but all was under control with the help of Debbie, DP of Armagh and her members who were a huge support and help to the whole event.
Ruth covered 3 sessions in the morning, Jars of Clay, This Treasure, and Time Out for personal reflection. Each session began with a hymn once again accompanied by Claire on the keyboard. Ruth reminded us of getting to know our God. Our God who is generous, kind and loving. Whatever you are facing you have this treasure, and the ability to keep going. While Ruth was speaking to us, we had fun with some clay and making a mould for our tee lights. We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. There were amazing treasures of clay being made and Ruth reminded us of the light shining through the gaps of our treasure, something to hold onto, listen to our God as we are always in his capable hands. Ruth's final session gave us time to think and reflect on what we had heard earlier. We had the opportunity to walk outside and enjoy the Armagh autumn colours around us, sit in a quiet place to reflect on the treasure that is the Lord Jesus and spend time thanking Him. Talk to Jesus about where you feel afflicted, perplexed or struck down. Reflect on the hope that HE is with you. Ruth very kindly gave everyone the opportunity if they wanted to talk to her privately and pray with them.
Mid-day prayers were led by Armagh Diocesan Chaplain, Revd Alan Cross, who is always very supportive of the Mothers’ Union throughout the Diocese of Armagh.
After lunch, we had our final session entitled “GO Activity” with Carol Doey leading us. The session started in fine fashion with calypso dancing to “Jump In The Line” (Shake, shake, shake, Senora) which certainly woke us up after our delicious lunch. Carol then asked us to think of the title of our life story and the titles of the first 5 chapters of the book with the next chapter to be continued. Those who wanted could share with everyone what they had written all of which were very thought-provoking. Carol then facilitated a time of meditation which allowed everyone to relax, she then closed the GO Activity session with a rousing rendition of “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine”.
The Getaway was a wonderful opportunity for the members to enjoy a little “me time” in our busy lives. Armagh proved to be a wonderful venue, with great food and also a very relaxing atmosphere. Everyone commented on how much they enjoyed reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. There was a great sense of fun, faith and fellowship throughout our time away. At the end of the Getaway, it was great to see friendships being formed and the exchanging of contact details.
A huge thanks to June, All Ireland President, Hazel Speares, VP Action and Outreach, and Debbie Davidson, DP of Armagh for their support, and valued expertise along the way to make this event happen. Thanks to Heather and her helpers for providing the MUe stall which was available over the entire Getaway. Thanks also to Ann Howard, our photographer for the Getaway, Ann just mingled around and took photos and videos when the opportunity arose. Thanks to Joy Greer who made the heart gifts as a lovely keepsake for everyone who attended, it was the host diocese's way of sending love and fellowship from Armagh back to all the other dioceses, branch members and friends.
The 2025 Getaway venue and dates are yet to be confirmed, but hopefully, a save the date will follow soon. December 2025 will mark the end of our six-year term of office as young members rep for the north and south of Ireland. In your dioceses please think and pray about who would be willing to bring their own talents and expertise to the wonderful work of Mothers' Union as young members representatives.
Liz & Wendy

Derry & Raphoe
Holy Communion Service
Our thanks to all who played a part in the All Ireland Holy Communion Service held in St. Columb’s Cathedral on Thursday 3rd October.
Revd. Rosie Diffin, Vice President DRMU and a long standing member of Mothers’ Union left us with thought provoking, encouraging and empowering words….
You are making a difference.
Together, as members of the Mother’s Union, we are part of something truly amazing that is bringing God’s love to the world, one person, one family, at a time.
So, let’s be intentional about how we live out this mission.
Let’s look for opportunities to serve, love, and share the hope we have in Christ.
And let’s remember that we are part of a global family, working together to bring healing and hope to a broken world.
Ploughing Championships 2024
Yet again this year the Ploughing Championships took place in Ratheniska, Co. Laois, from 17th to 19th September and Mothers' Union was to the forefront in providing the Baby Changing and feeding facilities at this three day event. The facilities, which are the only ones available on site, are greatly appreciated by the parents/guardians of babies and toddlers as it gives them a clean, safe environment in which to tend to their child's needs.
Many say that they would not be able to come to the ploughing as a family only for this facility being available.Thank you to all those who volunteered to help over the three days.
Below are some comments which were left in the comment book over the three days:
- Thank you for providing the mamas and babas with a much need watering hole and rest stop! So vital and enables families to enjoyevents like this so much more. Go raibh míle maith agat. (Thank you very much)
- Thank you so much - such a great facility - we used it several times today to change and feed our 7 month old. It was such a relief to find this baby haven.
- Fantastic idea. Very helpful and pleasant ladies to help. Couldn't have been happier
- Great facility. Made things very easy. Thank you!
- Thank you so much. This is great for mothers with young children
- Brilliant! Well needed service! made our day much easier. Very friendly and clean
- Fantastic service. Very much needed. Great facilities. Well thought out. Perfect for families out for a day. Thank you very much.
- Perfectly set up service and much appreciated
- What a wonderful facility to provide. Thanks so much.
- Fantastic service every year, so clean and welcoming. Thank you!

Sharing Afternoon - Riverstown
Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh
An afternoon of fun, fellowship and brainstorming with Afternoon Tea was held in the Cooper Memorial Hall, Riverstown on Saturday 27th April. There was a full house with Guest speaker Mrs Jacqui Armstrong from the All Ireland Faith and Social policy of the mothers union.
The branch leader Mrs Hilda Shaw and her team did a wonderful job, meeting, greeting and treating us to afternoon tea from china sets all supplied by the local ladies. Mr Damien Shorten the lay pastor from Riverstown opened the afternoon with a beautiful service and Mrs Leila Beattie closed it with some chair exercises and a reflection.
MU Changing The Story Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group
What a super weekend! Friendships made and friendships forged as the MU Changing The Story Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group gathered together in person for the first time. We were encouraged, rejuvenated and refreshed by our weekend programme, combined with the welcome received at Greenhills YMCA, Newcastle from the staff to the forest, the river, the waterfall, the sunshine and the sea.
As a group we were delighted to be joined by four ’ Changing The Story’ participants for two hybrid sessions. This was appreciated by those who could not attend in person, and greatly enriched the weekend experience. We are only sorry that they missed out on the chef’s menu, the competitive streak that came to the fore during the archery competition, the exploration of the forest, a dip in the sea, our circle of trust, and the hilarious balloon dance as prayers were offered to God!
The sessions were skilfully and mindfully facilitated by Lydia Monds, Ministry Leader with our MU Changing The Story partner, the Church’s Ministry of Healing; Ireland.
Wonderful animated, quiet and thought provoking conversations took place as ‘Out of the Box’ stories, personal storytelling, mindfulness, artistic creations, song, dance and the freedom to wander and breathe in God’s wonderful creation unlocked ‘space’ to explore:
- the release and freedom FORGIVENESS brings as we strive to live with personal scars,
- the gift of SELF-ACCEPTANCE as we nurture and appreciate our unique value and the importance of the gift of gratitude,
- cultivating ‘Connection’ and being ‘present’ in the moment as we foster HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS within ourselves, our friends, our communities and GOD,
- how RESILIENCE can grow – as, like a bud and a flower, HOPE and RESILIENCE often emanate from a place of darkness,
We move forward acknowledging the thorns of our past, as in the present, we soften our gaze, invite God to soothe us and allow God to be present with in each moment. The seeds of new life are sown every day, and as the memories of the weekend inspire our lives, we look forward to further building ‘CONNECTION’, and growing in God’s love.
We greatly appreciate the value of zoom which allows women from every corner of Ireland to take part in our Changing The Story Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Sessions. Alongside, we thoroughly enjoyed meeting, nurturing, growing and bonding together as a group.
Our thanks to St. John’s Church, Newcastle for the warm welcome, beautiful worship, and chat with MU members. Our Closing Circle, under a tree, overlooking Newcastle Bay provided a fitting space and place to give thanks, to recall our ‘take aways’, and to offer each other a final ‘blanket blessing’…..our cup full to overflowing with grace, kindness, appreciation, joy and love.
‘My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life.’ Psalm 23:5-6
MU Changing The Story appreciates the support of Mind Matters and the Church of Ireland Priorities Fund. For further information on any of our Mothers’ Union Changing The Story initiatives. Please contact

13th April 2024
The All Ireland Council took place in The Parish Centre in Kilternan on Saturday 13th April. It proved to be a wonderful venue, bright and airy and the catering facilities were excellent. Mary White, a great supporter of Mothers' Union, welcomed everyone to Kilternan on behalf of the Rector who is currently on sabbatical.
We are very grateful to everyone in Kilternan for their wonderful welcome and for facilitating the Council Meeting. It was a wonderful day of fellowship, meeting with friends and learning all about what is happening in Mothers' Union both here in Ireland and overseas. We are very grateful to all those who contributed to the meeting.
A service of Holy Communion took place at midday led by the All Ireland Chaplain, Archdeacon Stephen McBride.

Cork, Cloyne & Ross Mothers' Union
Supporting Staff Wellbeing at Cork University Hospital
Hilary was delighted to be invited to come to one of the short events at the hospital. This beautiful staff wellbeing ceremony to honour staff hands and hearts happened several times during the day. On arrival each person was given one of the red hearts which were held while listening to John O’Donohue’s Blessing of your Work, two minutes silence, and beautiful and moving piece played on the cello. The hearts are the work of many members and friends over the past few months. To all who made them, you have contributed to a ceremony to honour the hands and hearts of staff at Cork's largest hospital.
Thank you. It is a wonderful way of offering gifts of love in our community.
Getaway Weekend 2023
Ann Howard, Diocesan President of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh reflects on the Mothers’ Union Getaway Weekend October ’23.
As Diocesan President, I’m so proud of how the members of KEA Mothers’ Union welcomed and helped to make this event a very memorable All-Ireland event. We were truly blessed to have so many gifted speakers and entertainers. It was headed up by Mrs Liz Greer and Mrs Wendy Halligan, assisted by Mrs June Butler, All Ireland President, and Mrs Hazel Spears, Action and Outreach All Ireland, Mrs Diane Stewart Young families represenatative (who also made book marks for us all) and our own KEA trustee body. Behind these great events there are a team of people preparing for weeks and months to ensure its’ success, and this event was no exception.
Mrs Melanie Douglas was a very powerful and moving lead speaker. She filled our hearts with love, joy and advice on ‘How to live an abundant life’. We were so blessed to have her join us for the weekend. It was also lovely to meet and get to know Ven Dr Stephen McBride, our All-Ireland Chaplain, and his wife Helen. Rev’d Richard Waller, our KEA chaplain, was our spiritual lead and was ever present for us all. My own talented sister-in-law Pauline Howard helped us relax and even laugh more by teaching us to dance and Leila Beattie with her chair exercises had us in stitches before we left for home. Our photos show our brilliant committee with guest speaker Melanie Douglas and some of the attendees from our diocese. The Hotel Kilmore, Cavan, were fantastic hosts, providing a welcoming and comfortable setting. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to the family of hotel owner, Mr Ross Mealiff, on his untimely passing.
2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”.

Killylea Mothers’ Union
On 7th May 2023, at the Morning Service in St.Mark’s Church Killylea, Roy Huston accompanied by his sister Audrey, presented the members of the Mothers’ Union with Mothers’ Union Brooches and copies of an MU Book of Prayers.
These gifts were from the estate of Roy and Audrey’s mother Annie who died last year at the age of 100. The members were very appreciative of this kind gesture from the family, especially as they all have many happy memories of Annie’s many years of membership of Killylea Mothers’ Union.
Annie was a quiet lady with a great sense of humour and thoroughly enjoyed MU meetings which she seldom missed. She was a very enthusiastic member of the Church and Mothers’ union and always encouraged others to join. One of Annie’s highlights was when she was chosen to cut the cake when Killylea MU celebrated their centenary – 100 years of Mothers’ Union in Killylea.
In a wonderful gesture Roy said that he would see to it that any new member would receive a brooch and book. The members were delighted as this is a very fitting tribute to Annie, a long-standing and much missed member.

Clogher Diocese spreads the word about Mothers' Union
Mary Sumner’s prayer starts with opening words “All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee;”
This year MU in the Diocese was granted a stand at the Fermanagh County Show from the 11-12th August. We were prompted by this prayer to reach out to our community and to enable us do this we asked for volunteers from Mothers’ Union members to assist in covering the stand at the show and undertake guiding responsibilities as the new Show site at Castle Irvine Estate required.
We think that in the spirit of Mary Sumner our 25 volunteers helped to sow seeds for Mothers’ Union amongst the farming families of our Diocese as they gathered to enjoy the fun, and friendship of the Show.
We shared our experiences of MU in the Diocese and in our Branches and encouraged those to whom we chatted, especially mothers of young families, to think about joining our membership.
We were given some freebies from ASDA and TESCO for children and supplemented the goodie packs ( >200 )from our own funds,adding leaflets about Mothers’ Union as well. By including the information leaflet and contact email addresses in these packs we hoped that many more people from the community would learn of our work at home and worldwide.
During the 2 days of the Show we collected comments from MU members and members of the public and were encouraged by this one in particular “ Absolutely great to see your wonderful organisation at show. God Bless”

Marking International Widows’ Day (23rd June) in Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh Mothers’ Union.
‘Sharing memories; a time to remember those we loved’ was the theme for a reflective time held in St. John’s Church, Longford on 23rd June 2023 to mark International Widows’ day. A short formal service was conducted by Rev Simon Scott with the lesson 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 read by the Diocesan President, Ann Howard. After the service, Ann spoke on the journey of grief, particularly focusing on the fear a death can bring. She handed out leaflets from the Irish Hospice Foundation to all who attended. These are very informative and she encouraged grieving people to use the Hospice helpline 1800 807077, as well as speaking to clergy, members in the Mothers’ Union, relatives and friends.
Tea and coffee was flowing, traybakes were enjoyed and no one was in a rush away as participants remembered their loved ones.
It is hoped that this will become an annual event. Talk to your friends about your grief when it’s hard to bear. Sharing your worries often helps.
All Ireland Festival Service and
Commissioning of Trustees 2023
The All-Ireland Festival and the Commissioning of Trustee took place in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh on Sunday 11th June. A large congregation attended the service and it was a very special occasion for all those who were commissioned during the service and we wish them every blessing in their new role in Mothers’ Union ~ Revd. Canon Jennifer McWhirter, Kay Clarke, Sophia Dillon, Moira Thom, Hazel Speares, Irene Boyd, Cathy Doig, Lesley Bayley and Wendy Halligan. The newly appointed All-Ireland Chaplain, the Venerable Dr. Stephen McBride was also introduced to the congregation.
Our grateful thanks to Debbie Davidson, Diocesan President of Armagh, for arranging refreshments after the service in the Armagh City Hotel. It was a wonderful opportunity for people to meet up and reconnect.