Walk Number 29

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Walk Number 29

All-Ireland Mothers' Union
Published by Margaret Jacob in Latest News · Saturday 11 Sep 2021
Fifteen ladies and gentlemen assembled at Skreen Parish Church in Co Sligo for morning prayer, led by the Rev’d Canon Noel Regan. It is a beautiful small church sitting in the countryside and is so much larger than it looks from outside. After assembling for a diocesan photograph on the steps, about ten of those present travelled the short distance by car to Aughris on the coast of Sligo Bay.

Three ladies tackled a shorter walk while seven folk joined June on her final 7km walk, walk number 29, in Tuam Diocese. They were the Diocesan President, Myrtle Nairn and her husband David, the Diocesan Chaplain Canon Jen McWhirter, Canon Noel Regan, Diocesan Trustees Audrey Moore and Sheila Bourke and the Churchwarden of Skreen Parish, Alan Greer.
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