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Theme for 2024 ~ Transformation - Now!

Mothers' Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families of all faiths and none through practical outreach, prayer and advocating family friendly policies within both government and public life.

By supporting marriage and family life, especially through times of adversity, we tackle the most urgent needs challenging relationships and communities.
Our members are not all mothers, or even all women, but are single, married, parents, grandparents or young adults who are just beginning to express their social conscience.
For all 4.1 million members in 83 countries what Mothers' Union provides is a network through which they can serve Christ in their own community through prayer, financial support and actively working at grassroots level in programmes that meet local needs.

International Widow's Day 2024

International Widow's day takes place on Sunday 23rd June. All Ireland Mothers' Union has recorded a service to mark the day and it will go live on our YouTube channel at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday 23rd June. Please click on the link below to access the service and our thanks to all involved in putting this service together.

Shopping online?
A quick reminder that Amazon
will donate 0.5% to Mothers’ Union if you shop through
smile.amazon.co.uk and select Mothers’ Union
as your preferred charity to support.

If you don’t shop at Amazon but shop at M & S, Argos, and Next etc.,
you can also support Mothers’ Union on your next shop.

The brilliant Axel Scheffler has produced a book about Covid-19 Coronavirus just for children

Do  you know of somebody who is cocooning or caring for someone vulnerable,  Age Action and the Irish Red Cross are giving grants to people in the  Republic of Ireland to help ease the problems faced by those who have to  social distance. Spread the word

The Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland has put together a super comprehensive booklet providing advice for people who have experienced a bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic period.

Two other booklets are also available in this series – one dealing with practicalities and the other a children’s story helping children to cope with the death of a loved one.

Click on the symbol below to access our BLOG.
This contains all our latest news.

Click on the link below to view a video of
Mothers' Union in Ireland
Newly Elected Worldwide President
Kathleen Snow

Accepting the role of Worldwide President of Mothers' Union, Kathleen commented “This is humbling, and a great honour. I look forward to working with members and staff to continue to build God’s Kingdom through Mothers’ Union. I am particularly excited that, as we carry forward the torch in January, we will be building on the firm foundations of our transformational programme work.

Just this week we are starting a new campaign, speaking up to right the injustice which means that, still today, 765 million adults cannot read or write, 2/3rds of them women, meaning they are unable to read medicine bottles, register the birth of a child, vote or ensure they get the correct change in the market.

We are calling for women’s literacy to be a priority. Being literate empowers women to be part of society and take ownership of their lives.

I look forward, in fellowship with members around the world, to continuing to do God’s work by serving the most disadvantaged in our communities, remembering that, with God, all things are possible”
Newly Elected All Ireland President
Kay Clarke

All Ireland Mothers’ Union announce the election of Mrs Kay Clarke (Diocese of Derry and Raphoe) as Provincial President. Mrs Clarke will succeed the current President, Mrs June Butler, in January 2025. She is the wife of The Revd Canon Robert Clarke, rector of the parishes of Edenderry and Clanabogan. They have two married daughters and two grandsons. Mrs Clarke recently retired from teaching IT. She has been very involved in Mothers’ Union for over 35 years and is currently the All Ireland Faith and Policy Unit Coordinator. In this capacity, she was instrumental in introducing ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ to Mothers’ Union members throughout Ireland earlier this year. Mrs Clarke is also a member of the Church of Ireland Marriage Council and is part of the diocesan Safeguarding team. She has been a great advocate in raising awareness of domestic abuse through the 16 Days and Rise-Up campaigns.

Speaking of her appointment, Mrs Clarke said that she was honoured and humbled to be elected to the post of Provincial President. She acknowledged the work and commitment of the whole All Ireland Trustee Board and said that she looked forward to working with this team, serving Mothers’ Union members and communities at home and worldwide. While exploring new approaches, she plans to remain true to Mothers’ Union’s strong legacy of Christian care for families and uphold everything in prayer.  
Zonal Trustee ~ Zone I ~ All Ireland
June Butler

June Butler has been elected to serve as Zonal Trustee in Zone I for 2025-2027 to succeed Iris Suitor, the current Zonal Trustee.

June comes to this role with a wealth of experience in Mothers' Union as she is just about to complete her second term as All Ireland President and has also served three years previously as a Zonal Trustee for All Ireland.

June is a parishioner of Saintfield Parish in Down Diocese and has held many different roles in Mothers' Union in the Diocese as well as being actively involved in church organisations and committees.

Within Mothers’ Union, June is particularly engaged with matters of policy and has attended the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women on many occasions as part of the MU delegation.

As All Ireland President June has also served on many different committees in Mary Sumner House.

Congratulations to all of the new Trustees that have been elected to serve on the Worldwide Board of Mothers' Union.


The Administrative Officer
The Mothers' Union Office
St. Michan's Church
Church Street
Dublin 7

Tel: +353 87 337 4090 / 087 3374090

                Public          Group


FOOD is a basic necessity for all of us and during current times we all  want to do our best to ensure we provide for our families.

Unfortunately, not all families can afford to stock up in case of emergency, in fact for 1000's of families across Ireland, north and south, daily food poverty is a harsh reality.

Breakfast clubs and free school meals, where they are available, are a lifeline for many of these families.

Sadly, with the continuing cost of living crisis many families continue to struggle to feed their family.. They need our help now  more than ever!

How can you help? ~  Keep donating to community food banks; help local initiatives in your area to distribute food packages to those in need or if you can’t find such an initiative in your area maybe consider starting one!

When we all find ourselves facing the unknown, the smallest act of kindness can mean the world to someone in despair.
Hilary's Fundraising for
"Mums in May" 2024

Fundraiser by Hilary Dring : Sponsored Hair Dye (gofundme.com)
Click on the image above to donate.

Prayer for October 2024

Our Father, As the leaves turn and the harvest is gathered, we thank you for the abundance of your blessings.

May this season of gratitude fill our hearts with joy and our tables with nourishment.

Help us to share our bounty with those in need,  and may we always remember the beauty of your creation.



Commissioning of June Butler

All-Ireland President Mothers' Union
Letter from June ~ All-Ireland President ~ September 2024
Happy September everyone!

No….I am not going to dwell on the vagaries of this summer’s weather (other to say that it would have been lovely to have more dry and some warmer days!) but that is one thing we cannot control and we have to take what we are given.  I do hope that you have managed to get a break from routine and are feeling suitably refreshed for the autumn and winter ahead. This is my last few months as All Ireland President, and I seem to have spent recent weeks on the one hand preparing for a raft of forthcoming important MU events and, on the other, trying to tie up loose ends for a handover to my successor. We now know that that is to be Kay Clarke and on behalf of all our members I would wish her God’s richest blessings and His guidance for her leadership of MU in Ireland in the years ahead.

Kay Clarke
We also have just been informed that Kathleen Snow is to be the new Worldwide President from January 2025 – she is a very special lady whom I have had the pleasure of knowing for a number of years and she has been to (and loves) Ireland! I look forward to working with her for the next three years as I have been selected by our members from All Ireland to represent them as the Zonal Trustee on the new Worldwide Management Board. So, as “they” say ….I haven’t yet left the “building”!

Kathleen Snow
Last Saturday I hosted the MU Provincial President of Canterbury, Kathryn Anderson and her husband Andy.  They were on a cruise around the United Kingdom and been met the previous Thursday by a MU group from St John’s, Killybegs and introduced to the wonders of Donegal. I collected them in Belfast when they docked on Saturday morning and gave them a tour of the Ards Peninsula, including Mount Stewart, before crossing to Strangford and heading to Down Cathedral. We then came to my home where some MU friends from this diocese, including my Vicar Chris and his wife Wenda, gathered for lunch and chatted to Kathryn and Andy about our MU work locally and across Ireland. There was lots of craic and laughter and, weather-wise, it was the best day of this summer and they saw us at our glorious best.

Now suddenly we have gone from a glimpse of sun back to greyer skies but I love autumn – I love the colours of the trees, the excitement of harvest time, the softness of the season – I am a farmer’s daughter and also I was married on a glorious October day so it is a very special time for me.

Recently, I have also discovered it is the period for the “Season of Creation”, Wearing my MU “hat” I was invited last year to join a network of local people, most of Christian faith, who seek to promote the vocation of creation care.  Since 1989, the ‘Season of Creation’, or ‘Creationtide’ has grown to be  a lively  global and ecumenical movement in Christian churches, dedicating the Sundays of September and the first in October (closest to St Francis’ Day, 4th October) to worship, prayer, reflection and action to bring Good News to All Creation, as we read in Mark 16:15. It gives us a focused opportunity to celebrate what it means to be Church against the real, urgent and increasing  threat of climate and other environmental crises.  Also, it gives us all an opportunity to rediscover the meaning of a distinctive human calling of justice, care, guidance and partnership with - as well as dependence on - fellow creatures with whom we share so much.

Thus, as we move into the autumn let us think more carefully about how we treat God’s glorious world – both the physical world and also its peoples. The members of Mothers’ Union are continuing to fund-raise this year for all our local community projects, through the “Big Hymn Sings” being held in every diocese in Ireland. We will have the final – and biggest - Hymn Sing in St Patrick’s Church in Ballymena on the afternoon of Saturday 16th  November. Please do come and join us!.

I will end part of one of the prayers from the Creation Care movement which so reflects what we members of Mothers’ Union believe:
God of all creation, Your spirit dances throughout the earth. Flood us with Your grace, so that we may care for all You have created and sow seeds of love, justice and beauty to reflect Your Kingdom here on earth. Amen
Have a blessed autumn season

With love and prayers
    Click on the image below to view a video created for
The Annual Gathering 2023 in York

Click on the link above to view the video recorded to celebrate
Annabella Hayes Day 2024

Click on the image to download a new leaflet  produced by
Mary Sumner House

Loneliness Leaflet

Click on the image below to download a copy of
The Loneliness Leaflet

For lots of Resources on the main website click on the link below

Cost of Living Leaflets

Scan this Qcode to bring you to a Go Fund Me Page for
Mothers' Union Changing the Story

Click on the image below to access the members Update from
Mary Sumner House

International Widow's Day 2024

International Widow's day takes place on Sunday 23rd June. All Ireland Mothers' Union has recorded a service to mark the day and it will go live on our YouTube channel at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday 23rd June. Please click on the link below to access the service and our thanks to all involved in putting this service together.

Click on the image above to
download the Booking Form
Annabella Hayes Prayer
Written by
Eleanor Orr, Leader of Loughgall and Grange Mothers' Union in the Diocese of Armagh.

Dear Lord, we thank you for the life and service of our Mothers’ Union founder in Ireland, Annabella Hayes.

As she showed her willingness to serve, may we serve.

As she devoted herself to helping others, might we do the same.

As she used her faith to overcome her tragedies, help us to trust in you.

As she set an example of love and gratitude, may we emulate these qualities.

As she cared for all families, may we follow her example.

Just as she lived her life for you, may we always do the same. Amen

Eleanor Orr ~ Winner of the Annabella Hayes
Prayer Competition
being presented with her prize by Debbie Davidson
Diocesan President of Armagh Diocese M.U.

Mothers' Union
Showing Solidarity with the people of Ukraine

We are asked to stop at 7pm each evening and pray for the situation and  the people in the Ukraine.

The following prayer in a time of war  in the Ukraine has been provided by the Church of Ireland’s Liturgical  Advisory Committee for use in parishes.

O Lord our Governor, whose glory is in all the world:
We commend to your merciful care the people and government of Ukraine
that, being guided by your providence, they may dwell secure in your peace.
Grant to their leaders and all in authority,
wisdom and strength to know and to do your will.
Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness,
and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve their people;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

All Ireland Holy Communion Services

Mothers’ Union Holy Communion Service
October 2024

Thursday 3rd October
Holy Communion Service in
Derry & Raphoe Diocese
in St. Columb's Cathedral @11.00 a.m.
(17 London Street, Londonderry. BT48 6RQ)

The Irish Hospice Foundation Bereavement Support Line is a national freephone service
1800 80 70 77
It is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.
Many people have experienced and will experience the death of someone they love during the COVID-19 pandemic. It may have been a COVID-related death or a death from other causes. People may also be finding a previous bereavement more difficult at this time. While we may be seeing reductions in the number of deaths connected to COVID-19, we know that people’s pain and grief does not diminish as quickly. In the face of such loss and trauma, the Irish Hospice Foundation Bereavement Support Line, in partnership with the HSE, has been launched to provide connection, comfort and support in these exceptional times. COVID-19 restrictions have changed the traditional ways we mark our grief. For the moment, it is not possible to come together as we did traditionally, resulting in additional challenges for those who are bereaved.

Click on the images to download a poster and information sheet & leaflet:

The Mothers’ Union Prayer

Loving Lord,
We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.
We pray for families around the world.
Bless the work of the Mothers' Union
as we seek to share your love
through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.
Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship,
and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world.
In Jesus' name.

Portrait of
Mary Sumner
Reference and administrative information

Republic of Ireland:
Mothers’ Union in Ireland is recognised as a Charity by the Revenue commissioners, 5161.
Registered charity number- 20007331 (Charities Regulatory Authority).

Northern Ireland:
Not registered with The Charity Commission NI as a single entity.
Instead individual diocese have been registered separately.
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